Lab 1.6 Connected to Internet with RouterBoard Mikrotik (Wireless)

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Hello everybody, now i will show you how to connect to internet with RouterBoard Mikrotik wireless

A. The purpose of this post is
  • How to setting the internet connection with wireless in Mikrotik RouterBoard
B. The materials or tools we need to do this is
  • RouterBoard
  • UTP Cable (Strike)
  • PC/Laptop

Before we start, connect the RB (RouterBoard) to Laptop/PC with UTP Cable in port 2

First, login with Mikrotik using MAC Address (

Click connect

Click on the Wireless and double click wlan1

 Click enable to active the wlan1 after that click apply and OK

Now, you will see the wlan1 is active

Double click the wlan1 again and go to wireless side,  choose the mode to station and click scan

Here, you will choose the network then click connect

Click Security Profiles

Click + symbol to add new security profiles

Fill the name with your own name, choose the mode in dynamic keys, after that check all selections and fill the password with password of your network. After all of that click apply and OK

 After setting the security profiles, we will go to the wlan1 again, in the wireless side choose the security profile with your own that already created then apply

Now if you see the sign R in the left of wlan1 is mean you already input the security profile to wlan1  and we will go to Registration

 In here, you will see one list is that mean you already active the security profile

Now we will go to get the ip address with DHCP Client, click IP and choose DHCP Client

Click symbol +, choose the wlan1 in interface column and choose apply

After that wit for a while and you get the first IP Address automatic (we need two IP address to connecct the internet

Enter the command like the picture below the this text (In address you can change it with your own but don't same it with the first IP Address and for gateway change it to your own gateway

 After that ping the gateway and google to test the connection

Now we will go to client. Here, you see that we not connected to network so we must setting the IP firstly

Fill the IP Address, Subnet mask, Default Gateway, and DNS (For Gateway and DNS you must fill it with your second IP Address and for Subnet you must fill it same with Mikrotik Example : /24=  /29= And for IP Address you must fill same with the gateway but change the last value behind the point Example : if your gateway is, ou IP Address is

After that you will see the connection has already connected

Open CMD and ping the gateway (Mikrotik) and google to test the connection

If you successful ping, you can check it like the picture

It's all for this post, if you have problem you can ask me anytime

And this is the video to help you if you have problem

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